Why Culture Matters

2 min read.

We have been exploring why culture matters if we are focused on helping our business perform and defining a culture that supports us. And we know the lens into culture is the way people behave. Once behaviours are being role-modelled by leaders, the flow-on impact on the business is profound.

We have been fortunate in our work supporting organisations to build their preferred culture to witness some remarkable change and to see wellness flourish, turnover plummet, and engagement go through the roof. These elements go hand in hand with performance. Companies taking this journey report increased market share, revenues and reduce timelines on large projects.

As important as defining and role-modelling behaviours are, acknowledging new behaviours when they are demonstrated is equally essential.

We sometimes hear moments filled with pride where support rather than blame is the display for a mistake. The critical component at the moment – is not just to register the pride but also for leaders and others in the business to acknowledge the shift.

Bringing awareness to this shift is a powerful accelerator of positive change. People are encouraged to do this more and therefore willingly apply themselves deliberately to the task. In failing to acknowledge, we leave it to chance the speed of adaptation and change is diminished.


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Defining Culture