Empowering Male Allies for Gender Inclusion

Delivered exclusively in partnership with NAWIC

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, embracing diversity and fostering inclusion are not just moral imperatives but strategic necessities. Despite progress, women continue to face significant barriers in male-populated industries, impacting not only individual careers but also organisational success.  

Recognising these challenges, Lysander is proud to partner with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) in their delivery of their Male Allies program to offer our “Empowering Male Allies for Gender Inclusion” workshop. 

Become a catalyst
change in
your workplace

This half-day face-to-face session is a valuable component of NAWIC’s Male Allies program and is offered to organisations dedicated to advocating for gender inclusion and equality in the workplace. It builds upon the program's digital modules, that equipped participants with essential knowledge and tools to effectively become Male Allies and champion gender diversity and inclusion in their workplaces.

By transforming insights into practical actions and strategies, this workshop marks a key step toward creating an environment where everyone can thrive in the workplace. 

Workshop Overview

This workshop serves as a dynamic forum designed to empower male allies and initiate tangible change in the workplace. It challenges existing norms and provides a platform for men to commit to making improvements. During this half-day interactive session, participants will delve into firsthand experiences and discuss prevalent challenges they observe in their work environments. 

The session utilises dialogic learning to help men examine their spheres of influence: what they can improve personally, how their family, friends, and colleagues can contribute, and finally, what their businesses and society at large can do to adopt a more inclusive workplace. 

Towards the end of the workshop, participants will develop clear and actionable strategies on how to be effective male allies. They will learn to use their influence to foster gender equality, support women's advancement, reduce bias, and create a welcoming environment for all. This session goes beyond revisiting skills from the digital modules; it focuses on applying those skills to address specific workplace challenges and creating real, actionable change strategies for their organisations. 

By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, the workshop provides a platform for Male Allies to create a culture of inclusion and respect by actively supporting gender diversity initiatives and advocating for women's advancement. 

  • Ideal for professionals dedicated to advancing gender diversity in their organisation, this workshop is specifically designed for those who have completed the five self-paced digital modules of the Male Allies Program. This half-day session builds on the skills developed in the digital modules, offering participants the chance to apply what they have learned through interactive and practical exercises alongside their male colleagues.

  • Collaborative Activities: Work together with peers to develop strategies that promote an inclusive culture.

    How to become an Effective Ally: Learn how to support female colleagues and contribute to a culture of inclusivity.

    Develop Actionable Strategies: Formulate practical measures to challenge biases, become an Ally.

    Champion Change: Drive impactful change within your sphere of influence, advocating for diversity and equality.

  • Our “Empowering Male Allies for Gender Inclusion” workshop is designed to run for half a day.

  • This workshop can be organised to run at your workplace.