Psychological Safety Workshop

Two workshops designed to assist you with the new Psychological Health Regulations being implemented by early 2023.


Psychological Health Regulations and Codes of Practice are in force across most Australian States. The Australian Government is currently considering amendments to Commonwealth WHS laws for managing psychosocial risks and hazards. These regulations require employers to protect their workers from mental injury by identifying psychosocial hazards that pose a risk to psychological health, implementing appropriate controls and reporting mental health incidents and injuries.

Lysander has designed two highly practical workshops that will make participants business ready to identify and control psychosocial hazards in their workplace.



    1 x Face-to-Face Workshop (1 day total)

    2 x Face-to-Face Workshops (2 days total)

  • This solution is available Face-to-Face and can be facilitated across all major cities in Australia and New Zealand.

    One full-day plus 90 minute follow-up (9am - 4pm)

    Two full days plus half day follow up
    (9am - 4pm)

  • This solution is customisable and we encourage you to enquire today to receive an accurate costing.

  • How are Lysander solutions delivered?
    Our platform features short videos, interactive graphs and exercises to keep you engaged. With workshops, participants will contribute where appropriate in face-to-face.

    Will I need to purchase any additional materials?
    Your program fee covers all course materials. All of the materials for our courses are accessed on the course platform.

    How do I sign up for this solution?
    All programs require the completion of a signed proposal. You can apply for and enrol in programs by email at

    What happens after I sign a contract? How do I get started with Lysander Program?
    Once your contract is finalized, you will be introduced to a member of the Learning and Delivery team. Your Learning Manager will walk you through the onboarding and participant registration process. Your delivery manager will also be the central point of contact for any questions or concerns you have before, during, and after your program experience.


  • This one-day face-to-face workshop is pitched at the most senior leaders in the organisation (Executive and/or Board). The workshop will provide them with an understanding of what’s changing, why this is critical, and their legal and moral obligations. Most importantly, how their commitment and behaviour will influence the efficiency and effectiveness of the required change.

  • This two-day program supports leaders to navigate and respond to the proposed changes to OH&S legislation.

    The workshop provides key information about how to identify, assess and control psychosocial hazards in the work environment. Participants will learn about the key actions needed to implement a Psychosocial Hazards Risk Management Framework and plan.


  • Psychological Health Regulations under the existing Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017, scheduled to be enforced by September 2023.

Course Content

    • The critical role of executive leaders

    • A model and framework for building psychological safety

    • Defining psychological hazards

    • Ensuring success and priorities

    • Follow-up and sustainment planning

    • Why this is critical now

    • A model for building psychological safety

    • Deep dive - Psychosocial Hazards

    • Develop a psychological safety implementation plan

    • Positive conversations

    • Follow-up and sustainment planning


Who should attend?

Executive Level - Psychological Safety Workshop

  • This workshop is specifically designed for Board and Executive level leadership.

Manager Level - Psychological Safety Workshop

  • This workshop is for everyone, including Workplace Health & Safety Professionals, Human Resources, Change Champions and leaders at any level.

Get in touch.


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